Vaginal odour could be so discomforting to a lady and even her man during intercourse. Some ladies lose relationships because of the odour that comes from their vagina. You see, a woman’s vagina is not …
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Vaginal odour could be so discomforting to a lady and even her man during intercourse. Some ladies lose relationships because of the odour that comes from their vagina. You see, a woman’s vagina is not …
Continue readingNot many people are aware that their hair is dead and that it could become a delicate thing to sell their hair for money. Really, if you have been careless with your hair, here is …
Continue readingChinese Ixora (Ixora chinensis) is a vibrant flowering plant traditionally used in herbal medicine for its potential health benefits. Chinese Ixora has been used for hormone balancing and it is very effective too if used …
Continue readingSome times, ladies could feel uncomfortable with the size of the breasts, especially when they desire something bigger. This desire makes some wonder if there are natural ways they could grow their breast size and …
Continue readingOn of the very worries people who take castor seed as contraceptive have is how to neutralise the effect of castor seeds. It is one thing to take the seeds to stop pregnancy. But when …
Continue readingCan alum tighten vagina? Well, this question could be looked at from different perspectives. One from what researches say and another from what is right, going by the nature of the sexual organ in the …
Continue readingWhat is the safety of castor oil in the vagina? Castor oil is made from the bean of the castor plant (Ricinus communis). Interestingly, it has a very rich history of use for labour stimulation. …
Continue readingHip enlargement through the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is increasingly gaining prominence. Unfortunately, not all who want to enlarge their hip with this artificial process or even the natural products are aware of the health …
Continue readingSo you have just been told by your doctor that your blood sugar level is hitting the red line, even with your pregnancy. We empathise with you. But, you see, managing diabetes and pregnancy could …
Continue readingCervical cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form on or near the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. These cysts can vary in size and are usually …
Continue readingAre you looking for natural remedies for period cramps? Really, we know that dealing with period cramps can be a monthly ordeal for many women. The discomfort and pain associated with menstrual cramps can disrupt …
Continue readingHysterosalpingogram (HSG test), is one of such medical names a couple having impaired fertility could come across as they journey. Indeed, sometimes, when it comes to issues of reproductive health and fertility, the journey could …
Continue readingMost women who experience period cramps wish it could just go away. Unfortunately this desire keeps coming back cycle after cycle. If they know the right thing, however, they will have a better life during …
Continue readingYou see, the idea of using specific foods or dietary choices to help you give birth to a boy is a common belief in many cultures. People believe in it and somehow, some have seen …
Continue readingHyperandrogenism refers to a medical condition characterised by excessive levels of androgens in the body. Androgens are a group of male sex hormones, including testosterone, that are also present in females but at lower levels. …
Continue readingHave you been looking for a natural contraceptive lubricant that can give you maximum result and also ensure that you stay infection free? Here is one that works well. Contraceptives or birth control is an …
Continue readingBefore orthodox medicine began to meet man’s health needs, humans have always relied on plants. They squeeze them, extract the water and drink them. By inspiration and insight, they found herbs that boost female fertility …
Continue readingFew years ago, a woman came to us, saying she wanted to conceive and that she had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Sincerely, we were a little worried. Our concern was as a result of findings …
Continue readingDoes abortion affect future pregnancy in the life of a woman? It is one question a woman who has previously had an abortion could hold in her mind to the point that it would become …
Continue readingMany women have asked: How do I know if I am ovulating? It is a question that appears so simple, yet some women do not know when they are ovulating. Sadly, if this is a …
Continue readingHave you been searching for a reliable natural product you can use for family planning? There is a way women of old used castor seed for family planning that you should know. You may have …
Continue readingMany women, especially those who want to conceive, are often worried when they see sperm come out of their vagina after sexual intercourse. Is there need for concern when sperm comes out of your vagina …
Continue readingYou may have heard that you can use cloves for vaginal infection and wonder how it works. Well, before we share how to use this spice for infection, let us tell you what research studies …
Continue readingDifferent studies have demonstrated that castor bean is good as contraceptive when it is properly utilised. But whether you can add castor oil in vagina, there is more to that talk. Unfortunately, not every woman …
Continue readingOne interesting thing about bitter kola is that you can use it as contraceptive. Not many women know this. Basically, it is one of the safest and it gives peaceful results too. Bitter kola is …
Continue readingVaginal itching could happen as a result of stress, infection or application of irritating substances in the vagina It could also occur as a result of douching, the cream you applied on your body or …
Continue readingBefore you read the entire thing about how to use clove to treat vaginal infection, I want to share a story with you. It was back in my days in a Nigerian tertiary institution. I …
Continue readingHave you heard about how people use Goron Tula for menstrual pain relief? If you have not, relax and read this article to the end. Indeed, one of the best ways to know how effective …
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