right time to have sex for pregnancy. Weight gain during pregnancy

Best Sexual Intercourse Time For Pregnancy

We are glad that you now know there is indeed a good intercourse time for pregnancy to happen.

There are different researches that have looked into ovulation and sex timing. They came out with interesting findings that we will share here.

You will find the right time to engage in what we refer to as vigorous sexual intercourse for result.

Our world is dependent on time and everything in it follows this principle. Solomon, the wise king, was right when he said “there is time for everything”.

God has programmed conception to happen during the ovulation of a woman.

Indeed, this alone sets time to the entire process and knowing this timing is yours to decipher.

Ovulation And Fertile Window

However, the right time to have sexual intercourse depends on so many variables that most persons do not know.

According to a study, a woman’s fertile window is estimated to last for about 6 to 7 days (including the 5 days that a man’s sperm could live) (1).

Although, the actual number of the fertile days of a woman’s menstrual cycle is uncertain.

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This is because most women reach their fertile window earlier.

That said, it is obvious that a woman must first know her ovulation period to understand the right sexual intercourse time for pregnancy.

A study highlights that the timing of sexual intercourse in relation to ovulation strongly influences the chance of conception (2).

If sexual intercourse occurs 5 days before ovulation (the day the woman releases her egg), she could conceive. But this depends on the how healthy the sperm motility is.

Basically, the number of days the sperm can live is 5, but some could die before that time. Some swim really slowly due to different reasons.

A study of 221 healthy women planning to become pregnant reveals that, as much as a woman can conceive days after the release of the sperm, the chances are slim (3).

“Only 6 per cent of the 192 pregnancies could be firmly attributed to sperm that were three or more days old,” researchers said.

The Right Sexual Intercourse Time For Pregnancy

Therefore, having sexual intercourse closer to the time the woman releases her egg is basic in increasing the chance of conception.

This is because the fertilisation of an egg has a maximum of 24 hours to happen from the time the woman releases the egg. The chances dwindles as the time processes.

This further reduces the time that a couple has for sexual intercourse that would yield result.

One thing science is not clear about is the actual time of day the woman releases her egg.

One way to know is through testing for a surge in luteinising hormone. This hormone causes the ovary to release its egg at about the day 14 of a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Afterwards, the egg begins its its travel through a narrow, hollow structure called the fallopian tube to the uterus.

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As the egg is traveling through the fallopian tube, the level of another hormone, progesterone, rises. This helps prepare the uterine lining for conception.

Furthermore, once a sperm comes in contact with the egg at this point, other things being equal, the woman gets very pregnant.

Having sex closer to the ovulation day makes conception chances higher.

“The probability of conception ranged from 0.10 when intercourse occurred five days before ovulation to 0.33 when it occurred on the day of ovulation itself.

As such, the earlier cited study recommends that couple engage in vigorous sexual intercourse during the ovulation window while targeting the day the egg will be released.

Trying at different times for the period is a great idea. Some experts suggest that the egg is released in the evening between 4:00pm and 7:00pm.

Also, we presume that there is a relationship between conception and the fact that most man get erection in the early hours of the morning.

Apparently that is the time God intends that sex happens most for pregnancy to happen.

Study Your Cervical Mucus

Another way you may know the right sexual intercourse time for pregnancy to happen is to observe your cervical mucus.

As you ovulate, the cervical mucus becomes clearer and thinner with a slippery consistency. At this point, it looks and feels like egg whites.

Once you notice this, engage in sexual intercourse more often in anticipation of the egg.

Thank you for reading.

If you find this helpful, kindly share with your friends and loved ones to help them know the right timing for sex that will result in conception. 


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