Easter is here and everyone is in holiday mood. But one thing about Nigerians and Easter holiday is that they just say they are in solemn mood. This is really laughable because it should be …
Continue readingCategory: Health Talks
Goron Tula In Pregnancy: How Safe Is It?
One of the things that goron tula does is boost fertility, but is taking goron tula in pregnancy a good idea? Is there a side effect when you eat goron tula in pregnancy? There are …
Continue reading7 Health Benefits Of Flax Seeds Your Body Needs
The health benefits of flax seeds are some of the reasons we recommend these seeds to you. The tiny brown and beautiful flax seeds are great sources of different nutrients. Really, flax seeds are some …
Continue readingHeartbreak: How To Completely Heal From It
One of the concepts that trended in Nigeria at a time is one that talks about serving a person breakfast. This speaks of heartbreak that could happen in a relationship. They often say, “las, las, …
Continue readingFolic Acid: Should A Woman Take It Or Not? | Side Effects
Folic acid is a B vitamin that plays a crucial role in the development of the neural tube, which forms the baby’s brain and spinal cord. It is often recommended that women who are trying …
Continue readingHow Black Seed Oil Boosts Your Immune System
Black seed oil is an extract from black seeds and it is has been in use for ages. During the heat of COVID-19 this oil is one of the very few natural materials that got …
Continue readingHow To Make Yoghurt With Already Made Yoghurt
So many people wonder how to make yoghurt using already made yoghurt. Unfortunately, you may have tried to make it using starter in small sachet and it did not turn out well. Not to worry, …
Continue readingHow Not Sleeping For Hours Could Kill
What is this thing about young children and adults dying after not sleeping for hours? This situation now leaves people in wonder of what could be the reason the death after a sleepless night happens. …
Continue readingWhen Do You Use Castor Seeds? | Best Timing
One of the challenges women who want to try natural contraceptive have is knowing when to use castor seeds. We said castor seed because it is increasingly becoming the most effective natural contraceptive for women. …
Continue readingWhy You Should Not Throw Pineapple Peel Away
How many times have your thrown pineapple peel away? Most people often throw it away as waste, but of a truth nothing is actually a waste. Pineapple peel is something that you should save every …
Continue readingStress Management: Simple Techniques That Work
There are stress management techniques that researches have identified as highly effective. Persons who are exposed to stressors should adopt and practice them. Stress is the feeling of emotional or physical tension that arises as …
Continue readingDelayed Period, Pregnancy Hopes… And Flow Comes
You see, one of the things that a woman trying for pregnancy does not love to see is flow showing up after days of delayed period. In her mind, as she begins to assume she …
Continue readingErectile Dysfunction: Natural Remedies For Men Sexual Health
Erectile dysfunction (ED) could make a man shudder at the sight if a woman. Yes! An erect penis is a man’s virility and sexual prowess. When the penis fails to rise and stand strong to …
Continue readingIntermittent Fasting: Best Way To Do It For Maximum Benefits
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a pattern of eating that is most misconstrued among persons who consume contents on healthy living. This type of fasting involves alternating periods of fasting and eating. Here, eating pattern includes …
Continue readingMalaria Drug And Blood Tonic Combination: Good Or Bad?
“Give me malaria drug and add a multivitamin or blood tonic to it”. This is a common statement you hear at pharmacies in Nigeria. But from what a family physician told us, this may just …
Continue readingRamadan Kareem: 4 Ways To End Your Fast And Improve Health
It is Ramadan and a moment of prayer and re-commitment to the things of God. This Ramadan is coming at a time that many nations of the world are observing a lockdown as a result …
Continue readingLoofah: Read This Before You Use It As A Scrub
Loofah is one of nature’s blessings to humans in harmattan, a little wonder it produces at this season. One thing about the scrub is that it works fine for the skin in at this period. …
Continue readingLyme Disease: That Dog Around Could Infect You
Have you heard of Lyme disease before? Do you know it could be life threatening? Really, we decided to write this article considering the increase in the number of dogs that we see. At different …
Continue readingBBL : Can Brazilian Butt Lift Kill A Lady?
For different reasons, people make some decisions that they believe will enhance their beauty. One of such decisions is going for a Brazilian Butt Lift, BBL. Some say women take the decision to avoid body …
Continue reading7 Health Benefits Of Yoghurt
Yoghurt is one drink that you should make once in a while at home. There are so many reasons you need to make it by yourself in your home using the starter. First, you need …
Continue readingBitter Melon: How It Treats Diabetes | Natural Diabetes Treatment
Diabetes mellitus has been described as the rich-man’s diseases in Nigeria. But that description is fast becoming obsolete, as the disease has lowered its bar. Recently, we have had chats with people in their 20s …
Continue readingMediterranean Diet: These Foods Can Make You Live Long
Have you heard about the Mediterranean Diet and wonder what it is all about? Not to worry, we will do our best to explain this diet to you and show you what it is made …
Continue reading14 Foods That Boost Breast Milk Production
Breast milk is one thing that infants need to develop, stay strong and healthy. In fact, breastfeeding is the first fundamental right of every child, but it could be worrisome for a mother when the …
Continue readingBest Time To Breastfeed A Baby | Night Or Day?
Is there a best time to breastfeed a baby? Have you ever read that the food you eat in the evening could determine how your night sleep will turn out? If you have heard this, …
Continue readingSide Effects Of Castor Seed For Family Planning
Castor seed is increasingly gaining popularity among couples who want a natural family planning option. However, there is this fear that comes from using castor seed. These fear is basically hinged on the side-effects of …
Continue reading5 Soups For Diabetics | Recipes That Will Help You Feel Better
Managing diabetes is one way to walk out of high blood sugar and live an amazing life. Your food is the first thing to rely on and having an idea of how to prepare some …
Continue readingLentil Soup For Diabetics | Recipe For Lentils
Lentil soup is known to be a good source of prebiotics and contains nutritionally important quantities of prebiotic carbohydrates. A study says this food is amazing for persons that have type 2 diabetes (1). Nutritional …
Continue readingSide Effect Of Cloves On Vagina
You want to know the side effect of cloves right? We will share what studies say about the side effect of this spice that is also amazing for treatment of different infections. First, let us …
Continue readingIs Pizza Healthy | Real Ingredients Pizza Comes With
Before you take a bite of pizza, think about what you want to eat and the addiction that often follows. We have heard people ask, is pizza healthy? Apparently that same question in your mind …
Continue readingHow To Tighten Vagina With Honey
You may have come here because you are searching for a way to tighten vagina with honey. Women talk about it much, but not so many of them are aware whether it works or not. …
Continue readingGoron Tula Fruit | 25 Things About Snot Apple
Goron Tula fruit that is popular edible apple in Nigeria and some other African nations. Its popularity is mainly as a result of its health benefits. You will find 25 unique things you should know …
Continue readingHigh Prolactin, Nipple Discharge: Natural Treatment And Remedies
High prolactin is one issue many ladies have without even knowing. For some, it could cause nipple discharge that they will only know about when they decide to try for babies. Jude had met Pauline …
Continue readingSimple Exercises That Can Improve Your Sexual Health
A good sexual health is one of the most important things everyone should have. It could tear a relationship apart and scatter a marriage. Also, a poor sexual health could even make a man shudder …
Continue readingFallopian Tube Blockage: Your Seasoning Could Cause It
There is an increase in the number of fallopian tube blockage issues that experts are handling. It is now common to find ladies of child bearing age that have gone for a tubal unblocking session. …
Continue readingSurrogacy : Things To Consider Before Opting In
Surrogacy is a process where a woman agrees to carry and deliver a baby for another person or couple. Basically, it is a form of third-party reproductive practice that offers succour to couples or persons …
Continue readingCloves Water For Vagina Wetness
It hurts when I engage in sexual intercourse with my partner. One thing I have noticed is that my vagina is always dry. Is there a way to make my vagina wet? Can cloves water …
Continue readingMushrooms: Why You Should Unfailingly Eat Them
Finely made, mushrooms are often a beauty to behold, especially the common ones that serve as food and medicine. They are unique on their own and are not a common thing you find just anywhere. …
Continue readingGain Weight With These 9 Natural Foods
Sometimes it could become necessary for some persons to gain weight, especially when their ‘smallish’ looks make them feel insecure. Also, persons recovering from an ailment would also need to add some flesh.. In Nigeria, …
Continue readingHow To Prepare Bunny Chow – South Africa Way
Bunny Chow is a South African street food and it is a common one. In fact, every South African who lives in Durban area could have a bragging right to its origin. The meal consists …
Continue readingBraai (Barbecue): How To Prepare South Africa Braai | Step By Step Recipe
Would you love to have a taste of South Africa’s cuisine? You are in for a treat with Braai. You can make it at home no matter you country. Braai is also known as a …
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